Thank You
People for Pearson!
Support for my independent candidacy comes from far and wide… Thank you, everyone!!!

I am humbled and grateful for the unsolicited ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by current, experienced CCPS School Board members ELIZABETH HUTCHINS, PAT BAKER, BARBEE BROWN, and ANNE LUCKINBILL.
It was always a pleasure to work with each of you while I was a CCPS school administrator, and I will be privileged to work with you again as a CCPS School Board colleague.
Thank you for your endorsements and support!

Anne Luckinbill
Culpeper peeps, please take a second to read this, especially folks in Salem. I will try to be brief, which is challenging because I have many thoughts on this topic.
I have been sitting in this school board seat for 16 years. Yep, 16. Many board members have come and gone in those years. READ MORE >

Barbee Brown
My personal preference is to not endorse any candidate in our School Board race. But since other School Board members have posted on Facebook their endorsements, and have as a group endorsed one candidate (as seen on a Facebook posting by the other candidate), I feel compelled to share my support of a candidate for the School Board position in the Salem district. READ MORE >

Elizabeth Hutchins
Currently, I am the longest serving member of the School Board. I am a native of Culpeper and was raised with OUR traditional hometown values and morals. I have never endorsed another candidate for ANY office but it has become apparent that I need to speak up.
Kelley Pearson is an educator-- not a politician. READ MORE >

Pat Baker
I have known Mrs. Pearson for a long time, and I know all she has done, and continues to do, for Culpeper County Public Schools. Her many years, as one of our high school administrators, speaks volumes about her dedication, work ethic, concern, compassion, fairness, common sense, and ability to problem solve; while avoiding any hyped-up chaos.

Yolanda Shanks
Kelley had me at, "Politics DO NOT belong in public education! I love how Kelley is consistently working in the best interest of CCPS students, their families, their schools, and the C-Pep community. I've been in CCPS for eighteen years. I've seen Kelley out in the community because I'm out there with her at a lot of sporting and fine arts events for all the schools and community events.

Michelle North
Culpeper County Public Schools are at a crucial crossroads when school board leadership will determine if attention and resources will be directed to our student’s education or be derailed to political issues that have no bearing on math, English, science and other educational outcomes. I enthusiastically support Kelley Pearson to represent the Salem District. READ MORE>>

Joe & Connie Kinchloe
We often identify as an R (Joe) or D (Connie).
This election season we are both delighted that Kelley Pearson has chosen to run as an Independent candidate for the Culpeper County School Board’s Salem District.
We love this community and there is nothing we value more for ... READE MORE >>

Larry W. Brooks, Ed.D.
I offer my support to Kelley's candidacy. I first met her in1994 when I was appointed Superintendent for the school division and worked with her until 2001
when I retired. I have followed her career after my retirement and have great respect for her
commitment to public schools and the wellbeing of students entrusted to her care by their parents.

William Simms
Kelley, having served at both Culpeper High School and Eastern View High School, knows many parents (both first and second generation parents), and she has a special relationship with her former parents and students. She, unlike her opponent, has not to my knowledge solicited support from any agencies. She stands on her reputation.

Nelson Gilbert
I wholeheartedly endorse Kelley Pearson for School Board. Based upon my experience of working with her, while I was an assistant principal at CCHS, I know for a fact that her educational knowledge, love for children, and dedication to getting the job done will be a positive asset to Culpeper County Public Schools.

Kelly JoAnne Robson
Vote for Kelley Pearson!
I’m excited for CCPS to have the opportunity to have Kelley Armel Pearson as part of its School Board.
As a past student and teacher who learned from and respected her and as a parent of 3 kids in public schools now, I know her integrity and professionalism.

Faith Dickerson
In the eight years I worked with Kelley, and many more that I have known her, I have seen her be a fierce champion for all students and staff. Her experience places her in the best position to represent not only students and parents, but also school staff.

Debbie Keller
Kelley knows and understands education. She was always student-focused, and always supported and worked for and with the students, the parents, the teachers, and the administrators. Education was her life – it wasn’t just a job to her. She always wanted what was best for the health and well-being of the total school environment.

Octavia Yates
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by Blue Devil alumnus, gifted singer, musician, choir director and gospel recording artist, Harley Davidson motorcycle rider, former EVHS colleague, and Salem District resident, Octavia “Missy” Yates!

Cathy Zanella
It is truly a pleasure to endorse you. You will be a leader we need right now with your deep commitment to our students and community. Throughout your career you have always given back and strived for ways to strengthen education for all. I know you will be a tireless advocate! Our community will be lucky to have you on the school board working for us!

Greg Hatfield
I had the pleasure to work alongside Kelley for over 15 years. She was an excellent leader who was able to provide a disciplined and structured learning environment for our students, while still showing great amounts of empathy and care. Kelley proved every day that she can create an effective and safe learning environment while still maintaining high standards and structure. READ MORE>>

Ted Fuson
Well, may my Lord bless you as you bless others with your love, caring, intelligence, and educational experience. No one could be a better candidate than you, Kelley!
What a great citizen and servant you are!

Monedia Lewis
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by stylish Blue Devil alumnus, retired Fed Ex currier (from our area), and Salem District resident, Mrs. Monedia Lewis!
I want to thank Mrs. Lewis for her friendly nature in all settings and for providing comfort to families in their hour of need at Tibbs Funeral Home.

Jeff Walker
Fairness, professionalism, integrity; these are 3 words that pop up when I think about my experiences working with Kelley A. Pearson for School Board - Salem District.
She has no soap-box or party-driven platform. As I see it, her agenda is to answer questions like:
What is best for students?

Margaret Fuson
Kelley was my supervisor when I was a special education teacher. I watched her time and time again bring order and calmness to difficult situations. She always knew how to deal with each situation with fairness and integrity. The knowledge and expertise in all areas of education that Kelley would bring to the School Board would prove to be invaluable. I urge you to vote for Kelley!

Peggy Bruce
The success of our students is always on her mind, and she truly cares about the quality of education they receive. In all the years of working with Kelley, I saw firsthand how hard she worked to keep our students on track and achieving their goals. The students and staff all knew she would work tirelessly to find a solution to each of their concerns. It would be hard to find a previous student or teacher who didn’t understand that she was there to help them. READ MORE>>

James Brock
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by Culpeper native and Shanktown neighbor, CCHS alumnus, Pittsburgh Steelers fan and sports lover, former fisherman, long-time Walmart employee, master mower and weed-eater, lover of the Pearson Pups, the hardest working man (other than Bill Pearson), and loyal friend, James Brock!

Amilcar Gomez & Elias Samayoa
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by two friendly 4th of July surprises, Culpeper residents, and EVHS Cyclone alumni, Amilcar Gomez and Elias Samayoa!
I want to thank Amilcar and Elias for stopping by to visit our tent in Yowell Meadow Park as they were out and about on the 4th of July… you two were a great surprise!

Nancy Lenz
Kelley has an effective way of working with people to find solutions to problems. She is current with the issues that we face in education. Kelley has the confidence and experience to work with students, support and professional staff, parents and other administrators. I am confident that Kelley Pearson will help with current activities in the school and can lead CCPS in future endeavors.

Bonnie Templeton
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by loving wife, mother, grandmother, and partner, animal lover, bird watcher, gardener, outdoor and physical fitness enthusiast, CCHS field hockey, softball, and indoor track coach, FCA sponsor, easy going, long-time friend, and former CCHS colleague, Bonnie Templeton!

Mark and Karen Settle
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by life-long educators, dear friends, family-focused Culpeper natives, faithful church members, former CCHS, EVHS, and Pearl Sample colleagues, and Salem District residents.

Donny Thompson
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by local businessman, outstanding auto mechanic, devoted husband and father, friend, and Salem District resident, Donny Thompson!

Carrie & Robert Siegfried
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by my devoted daughter and son-in-law, Carrie and Robert Siegfried!
Although I never predicted THIS type of Mother’s Day picture would be in my future, I know the unwavering love and support of Carrie and Rob will be there long after November, 2023!

Libby Ouellette
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by life-long part of the “Griffinsburg Bunch”, “Coach O”, friend, neighbor, former CCHS colleague, and Salem District resident.

Jeff & Peggy Bailey
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by a career firefighter and a career educator, lifetime members of the Brandy Station Volunteer Fire Department, long standing community volunteers, beach lovers, and friends of many years, Jeff and Peggy Bailey!

Fabiana Parker
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by former EVHS colleague and the 2023 Virginia Teacher of the Year, Fabiana Parker!

Geary & Karen Parkinson
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by Navy civil servants, a folk musician and a vocalist, active church members, flower and vegetable gardeners, and former CCPS colleagues, Geary and Karen Parkinson!
I want to thank Geary and Karen for their combined 45 years in education!

Latonda Hugden
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by previous Fortune 500 executive, devoted mother, Italian Ice entrepreneur, gardener, travel enthusiast, Zumba lover, friend, and former CCHS and EVHS colleague, Latonda Hudgen!

Chris Jenkins
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by Culpeper native, recently retired Chief of the Culpeper Police Department, proud father and grandfather, lifetime Washington Capitals fan, proud Washington Commanders season ticket holder, golfer, extensive community volunteer, Salem District resident and near-by neighbor, Chris Jenkins!

EG & Tammy Bradshaw
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by life-long educators, grandchildren obsessed, outdoor loving, fitness oriented, warm weather seekers, friends, and former EVHS and CCPS colleagues, EG and Tammy Bradshaw!
I want to thank EG and Tammy for their combined 63 years in education!

Medge Carter & Surja Tamang
I am grateful for the ENDORSEMENT of my candidacy by my long-loved friend of 38+ years, retired VDH Environmental Health Specialist, world traveler, animal lover, and natural history buff, Medge Carter — AND — native of Nepal, now a proud United States citizen, devoted husband and father, former Himalayan trekking guide, now a Rappahannock county public servant, and Medge’s husband, Surja Tamang!