Here are some of my key areas of expertise as a CCPS high school administrator, from 1990-2017:
Practical, Working Knowledge of Instructional Leadership
Positive, Safe, and Secure School Climate
Skillful Human Resources Management
Exemplary Organizational Management
Strong Communication and Community Relations
High Level of Professionalism
Regarding these performance standards, please allow me to share a few quotes (by the Evaluator) from my most recent Administrative Summative Performance Report:
"Mrs. Pearson‘s genuine concern for the academic success for all students is evident in her daily activities.”
“She positively impacted those around her and was always evaluating the climate, safety, and security of our facility.”
“As a veteran administrator, Mrs. Pearson has been vital to the organizational needs and management of EVHS.”
“Mrs. Pearson has been a role model as an administrator in maintaining positive, strong community relations.”
“Her presence at our events, activities, games, banquets, receptions, etc. allows every student and program to see her genuine concern for their success and well-being.”
“Mrs. Pearson displays a high level of professionalism with all interactions.”
I pledge to continue these efforts and activities, in a parallel capacity, as your Culpeper County School Board representative from the Salem District.
Please feel free to contact me about any (or all) duties as assigned… in any (or all) of these areas of administrative responsibility.
We can talk as generally (or as specifically) as you would like, and we can talk as a little (or as much) as you would like.
(I'll also listen well and not talk your ear off – although you would never know it after reading this rather lengthy post… Thank you!! )
Remember to vote on November 7th!
(Authorized by Kelley A. Pearson for School Board)