Faith Dickerson
I wholeheartedly endorse Kelley Pearson for School Board, Salem District

In the eight years I worked with Kelley (and many more that I have known her), I have seen her be a fierce champion for all students and staff. Her experience places her in the best position to represent not only students and parents, but also school staff. Her commitment to consistently engaging all students and staff with a listening ear and a clear understanding of school policies allowed her to create long-standing relationships and trust within the Culpeper school community.
Kelley Pearson has worn many hats in her work in education: Teacher, Administrator (with particular emphasis for students with diverse learning abilities), Supervisor, and Mentor for new administrators. Her passion for excellence never varied from title to title; her commitment was to allow every student or staff member to be the best they could possibly be. She has a clear understanding of the challenges faced by public education and by Culpeper county in the years ahead. I applaud her stance that there's no place for politics in the School Board. She is seeking the opportunity to serve her district based on her experience working in Culpeper Schools and her desire to make it the best system possible for all students and staff.